Building Hope for Babies: Fischer & Frichtel Sponsoring 2017 “March for Babies–St. Louis”
For more than seven decades, Fischer & Frichtel has been investing in the future of St. Louis, building thousands of homes for families throughout the metro region.
This year, the respected homebuilder is taking an even more personal approach to the Gateway City’s future generations, serving as Platinum Sponsor for the 2017 March of Dimes “March for Babies–St. Louis.” And it’s a collaboration that seems almost predestined.
In 1947, Dr. Jonas Salk began his research to develop a polio vaccine, funded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which ultimately evolved into the organization known today as the March of Dimes. At the very same time, Fischer & Frichtel had begun building its first homes in the St. Louis area.
In the ensuing decades, the foundation shifted its research focus to birth defects, premature birth, infant mortality, and a host of other perinatal factors affecting the health of infants, becoming “the champion for all babies.” Meanwhile, Fischer & Frichtel was rapidly expanding, building neighborhood after neighborhood, and becoming a leader in the local building industry.
Throughout its 70-year history, the company has supported numerous charitable endeavors, with a particular emphasis on those dedicated to improving the lives of children. When recently approached by a March of Dimes representative, CEO John Fischer was eager to learn how his firm might participate in this year’s “March for Babies–St. Louis,” to be held on April 29 in Forest Park.
To familiarize Fischer and CMO Kari Fischer with the impact of this event, a tour of the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at St. Louis Children’s Hospital was arranged. The tour was conducted by Dr. F. Sessions Cole, chief medical officer, newborn medicine director, and a member of the national March of Dimes board of trustees, and Lori Goser, NICU Family Support Program Coordinator/Site Manager.
Thoroughly impressed, Fischer committed his firm as the Platinum Sponsor for 2017. Equally enthusiastic, company employees will join the 2K fundraising walk, and teams representing the office, sales, and construction staffs are currently competing to raise the most funds for this worthy cause. Donations to support any of these teams can be made online, or individuals can create a team of their own with a personal page on the “March for Babies” website.
In addition, Fischer & Frichtel is building a “Dream Playhouse,” which will be raffled off and displayed on a float in the Cottleville St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 11. After the parade, the playhouse will be on display in various Fischer communities for several weeks, then at the March site in Forest Park on April 29.
Raffle tickets may be purchased online through May 1, at $5 per ticket or five tickets for $20, with all proceeds going to the March of Dimes. The winning ticket will be drawn and announced at the company headquarters in Chesterfield on May 2.
For complete details on the “March for Babies,” opportunities to donate, and raffle tickets for the Dream Playhouse, you are cordially invited to visit this page here on our website, fischernewhomes.com.
Tags: new homes for sale Chesterfield mo